Ropes, sleeves and high - temperature tapes
Europolit is the top manufacturer of ropes and high - temperature tapes in Poland in terms of production volume.
Expanded and modern machinery, as well as a broad range of products, make it possible to satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding recipients.
The company uses the most recent technical achievements in the field of high - temperature fibres by using, apart from popular and economical glass fibres as well as ceramic, high quality aramid, silica and basaltic as well as BIO-TEX fibres.
Assistant of selection of ropes, sleeves and high - temperature tapes
The purpose of the application is to facilitate our products' selection for standard applications to distributors, constructors and end users. Selection is made on the basis of simplified criteria and it is only a guideline when selecting the proper material. Any possible errors in the functioning of the application do not constitute the basis for acceptance of the manufacturer of any legal liability for damages arising as a result of improper product use.
Aramid sleeve type EAS-K
The sleeve of EAS-K type is produced from aramid yarn resistant to high temperatures. Very thin fibres due to their unique structure are characterized by a perfect thermal insulation and extremely high mechanical strength. Lack of any dusting enables using in systems where, for hygienic or technological reasons, cheaper glass or ceramic insulations are unacceptable. Aramid...
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Aramid tapes type TA and TA/P
Aramid tapes are weaved of high quality aramid yarn with a perfect heat insulating power and a commonly known mechanical strength of aramid. Aramid tapes are mainly used for thermal insulation, as well as for transport of various kinds of materials e.g. on belt conveyors in mining and the power sector. Conveyor tapes are made using dense multi-layer strand (up to 4 layers),...
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Basalt packing type ETS
Premium basalt yarn applied in this packing is characterized by excellent thermal and mechanical resistance. Thanks to the applied strand, these particular characteristics are enriched with high elasticity of created packing. As opposed to products of glass and ceramic fibres, the basalt fibre is not a substance with an irritating effect for the skin and respiratory tracts,...
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Basalt sleeve type ETS-K
The sleeve type ETS-K is produced of basalt yarn resistant to high temperatures with temperature strength up to 700°C. Basalt, as opposed to ceramic fibres, is not subject to any hygienic restrictions. Used fibres are characterized by a perfect thermal stability and keep their original structure to the amount of the maximum temperature of use. An additional advantage is the...
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Basalt tapes type TB and TB/P
Basalt tapes are weaved of high quality basalt yarn with the temperature strength up to 700°C. Self-adhesive layer (type TB/P) enables very fast and convenient installation of sealing. Basalt, as opposed to ceramic fibres, is not subject to any hygienic restrictions. Used fibres are characterized by a perfect thermal stability and keep their original structure to the amount...
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BIO-TEX packing type ECW/BIO
Packing Of ECW/BIO type is produced of yarn made of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres , designed for use at temperatures to 800 °C. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with the Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. The used fibres are characterized by perfect thermal stability and keep...
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BIO-TEX sleeve type ECW-K/BIO
The sleeve of ECW-K/BIO type is produced from yarn of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres without reinforcement, which enables its use for insulation of live ducts. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with the Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. The used fibres are characterized by perfect...
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BIO-TEX tape type TCW-BIO
The tape of TCW-BIO type is woven of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with the Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. The used fibres are characterized by perfect thermal stability and keep their original structure to the amount of the maximum temperature...
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Ceramic packing type ECW
Aluminosilicate yarn applied in this packing is characterized by excellent thermal resistance. Thanks to the applied strand, these particular characteristics are enriched with high elasticity of created packing. It contains up to 18% of organic fibres which, in the first period of operation, may burn-out without greater losses for operation parameters of the packing. It is...
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Ceramic sleeve type ECW-K
The sleeve of ECW-K type is produced from aluminosilicate yarn without reinforcement, which enables its use for insulation of live ducts. Ceramic sleeves are an excellent material for thermal insulation of hot elements in various types of industrial systems. Sleeves with the diameters up to 50 mm are produced on braiding machines, while larger diameters - on special looms for...
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Ceramic tapes type TCW, TCW/P
Ceramic tape of TCW type is woven of high quality ceramic yarn without reinforcement. Depending on thickness, single- or multi-layer strand is used. Optionally, tapes can be equipped with a self-adhesive layer (types with the letter "P"). The product contains approximately 18% of organic fibres which, in the first period of operation, may burn-out without losses for key operation...
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Dry aramid packing type EAS
This packing is braided of aramid yarn resistant to high temperatures. Used very thin fibres owing to their unique structure are characterized by a perfect thermal insulating power and extremely high mechanical strength. No dusting enables using packing in applications where for hygienic or technological reasons, popular glass ropes are not recommended.
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Dry cotton packing type EBS
This packing is produced from natural cotton yarn. Thanks to a special strand, it retains softness and flexibility and fills the sealed space very well. The considerable quantity of air trapped between the fibers provides an excellent thermal insulation at a very reasonable price. High resistance to extremely low temperatures should also be noted.
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Dry glass packing type ESS
Braided packing from glass textured yarn from glass, type E. As a result of using a relevant strand and texture, a flexible packing with a substantial quantity of air trapped between the fibers has been obtained. This phenomenon provided perfect thermal insulation as a result.
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EURONIT ceramic rope type ECE
EURONIT is made of ceramic materials reinforced with an inconel wire and metallized on one or both sides. These materials, in the area of the fastest wear, are additionally internally strengthened. The operation zone is marked in black. The rope may be used in temperatures up to 1100°C. The optimum operation temperature in coal mills is 650 – 900°C. The ropes may be square,...
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Glass packing HT type ESS-HT
Glass yarn of type HT applied in this packing is characterized by excellent thermal and mechanical resistance. Thanks to the applied strand, these particular characteristics are enriched with high elasticity of created packing. At exposition to high temperature, the packing loses its green colour, which does not affect utility parameters of the product. On a special order,...
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Glass sleeve HT type ESS-K/HT
The sleeve of ESS-K/HT type is produced of yarn made of high quality the glass fibre of type E with increased thermal resistance. Glass sleeves HT are an excellent material for thermal insulation of hot elements in various types of industrial systems. Sleeves with the diameters to 50 mm are produced on braiding machines, while larger diameters - on special looms for multi-layer...
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Glass sleeve type ESS-K
The sleeve of ESS-K type is produced of yarn made of high quality the glass fibre of type E. Glass sleeves are an excellent material for thermal insulation of hot elements in various types of industrial systems. Sleeves with the diameters to 50 mm are produced on braiding machines, while larger diameters - on special looms for multi-layer fabrics, which gives an excellent material...
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Glass tapes HT type TS-HT and TSP-HT
HT glass tapes are weaved of high quality glass yarn with the temperature strength up to 700°C. Self-adhesive layer (type TSP-HT/P) enables very fast and convenient installation of sealing. Fibreglass, as opposed to ceramic fibres is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in EU countries. The used fibres are characterized by perfect thermal stability and keep their original...
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Glass tapes type TS, TS/C, TSP, TSP/C
Glass tape of the TS type is woven of high glass textured yarn (E type fibre) resistant to very high temperature. Depending on thickness, one - or multi-layer strand is used. Optionally, tapes can be equipped with a self-adhesive layer (types with the letter "P") and coloured black (types with the letter "C"). Insulation tapes are applied as thermal insulations for all types...
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Insulation ropes in KEMAFIL overbraided type ESK and ECK
The rope of ESK type is built from the core of glass rowing overbraided with rare netting of glass silk, while in ECK rope, glass rowing has been replaced by ceramic yarn reinforced with inconel. This type of structure allows to obtain a rope with sufficiently dense construction, at the same time, being very soft and flexible. Insulation ropes in the braid of type KEMAFIL type...
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Overbraided basalt rope type ETS–O
Premium basalt yarn applied in this rope is characterized by excellent thermal and mechanical resistance. The rope of ETS-O type is built from core of ceramic mat overbraided with textured basalt yarn. Thanks to the application of a proper strand and texture, we obtained elastic packing with much air captured between the fibres. This phenomenon gives, as a result, perfect insulating...
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Overbraided BIO-TEX rope type ECW-O/BIO
The rope of ECW-O/BIO type is produced of yarn made of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres and a soft core of stitched mat. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with the Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. The used fibres are characterized by perfect thermal stability and keep their original...
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Overbraided ceramic rope type ECW-O
The rope with symbol ECW-O is a very popular sealing used in many branches of industry. In is built from core of needled mat overbraided with ceramic yarn without reinforcement. In this way, we obtained a very flexible rope with the temperature of use up to 650°C. ECW-O is resting sealing, ideal to be used in furnaces, flaps, hatches, cleanout openings and expansion gaps....
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Overbraided ceramic rope type ECZ-O
Rope with the symbol ECZ-O is a very popular sealant used in numerous industry branches. It consists of a needled mat core braided with an inconel reinforced ceramic yarn. As a result, a very flexible rope, application temperature 1100°C has been obtained. The rope is produced in round and square sections in the range from 10 up to 90 mm. ECZ-O is a static sealant, ideal...
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Overbraided silica rope type EKS-O
EKS-O rope is produced of high quality silica yarn and a soft core of bio-soluble mat. As opposed to ceramic materials, silica yarn is not a substance with an irritating effect, which enables using without any personal protection equipment. EKS-O rope is resting sealing, ideal to be used in furnaces, flaps, hatches, cleanout openings and expansion gaps. Applied e.g. in power...
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Reinforced BIO-TEX packing type ECZ/BIO
The braid of ECZ/BIO type is produced of yarn made of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres reinforced with inconel, designed for use at temperatures up to 1100°C. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with the Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. The used fibres are characterized by perfect...
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Reinforced BIO-TEX sleeve type ECZ-K/BIO
The sleeve of ECZ-K/BIO type is produced of yarn made of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres reinforced with an inconel wire. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with the Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. The used fibres are characterized by perfect thermal stability and keep their original...
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Reinforced BIO-TEX tapes type TCZ-BIO, TCZ-BIO/P
The tape of TCZ-BIO type is yarn of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres reinforced with an inconel wire. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in EU Member States in accordance with Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. Depending on thickness, a single- or multi-layer strand is used. Optionally, tapes can be equipped with a self-adhesive...
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Reinforced ceramic packing type ECZ
The aluminosilicate yarn reinforced with a chrome-nickel steel wire used in the packing is characterized by an excellent thermal resistance. As a result of the applied strand, these characteristics are enriched by a high elasticity of the resulting packing. It contains up to 18% of organic fibers which may burn out in the first period of operation without losses for key operation...
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Reinforced ceramic packing type ECZ-HT
High-quality sealing intended for work in very high temperatures up to 1400°C. Thanks to the application of special aluminosilicate yarn enriched with zirconium monoxide and additionally reinforced with a wire of alloy resistant to the temperature of 1300°C, we obtained a product of unusual thermal and mechanical resistance.
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Reinforced ceramic packing with glass filling type ECS
This packing consists of a core of yarn or glass mat very densely overbraided with ceramic yarn reinforced with inconel.
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Reinforced ceramic sleeve type ECZ-K
The sleeve of ECZ-K type is produced from aluminosilicate yarn reinforced with inconel. Ceramic sleeves are an excellent material for thermal insulation of hot elements in various types of industrial systems. Sleeves with the diameters to 50 mm are produced on braiding machines, while larger diameters - on special looms for multi-layer fabrics, which gives an excellent material...
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Reinforced ceramic sleeve type ECZ-K/HT
The sleeve of ECZ-K/HT type is produced of aluminosilicate yarn reinforced with molybdenum steel wire, which guarantees thermal resistance at temperatures up to 1400°C. Ceramic sleeves are an excellent material for thermal insulation of hot elements in various types of industrial systems. Sleeves with the diameters to 50 mm are produced on braiding machines, while larger diameters...
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Reinforced ceramic tapes type TCZ, TCZ/P, TCZ/C, TCZ/CP
The ceramic tape of type TCZ is woven of high quality ceramic yarn reinforced with an inconel wire. Depending on thickness, single- or multi-layer strand is used. Optionally, tapes can be equipped with a self-adhesive layer (types with the letter "P"). The product contains approximately 18% of organic fibres which, in the first period of operation, may burn-out without losses...
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Reinforced glass packing type ESZ
Packing braided of glass textured yarn of glass of type E reinforced with an inconel wire. Thanks to the application of appropriate strand we obtained flexible packing with much air captured between the fibres. This phenomenon gives, as a result, the perfect heat insulating power. Reinforcement with an inconel wire significantly raises mechanical and thermal resistance of the...
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Reinforced glass sleeve type ESZ-K
The sleeve of ESZ-K type is produced of yarn made of high quality the glass fiber of type E reinforced with an inconel wire. Glass sleeves are an excellent material for thermal insulation of hot elements in various types of industrial systems. Sleeves with the diameters to 50 mm are produced on braiding machines, while larger diameters - on special looms for multi-layer fabrics,...
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Reinforced glass tapes type TSZ, TSZ/P
Glass tape of TSZ type is made of high quality glass textured yarn (E type fibre) additionally reinforced with an inconel wire. Depending on thickness, single- or multi-layer strand is used. Optionally, tapes can be equipped with a self-adhesive layer (types with the letter "P"). Insulation tapes are applied as thermal insulations for all types of machines, devices, installations...
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Reinforced overbraided BIO-TEX rope type ECZ-O/BIO
The rope of ECZ-O/BIO type is produced of yarn made of high quality biosoluble refractory fibres reinforced with inconel and a soft core of stitched mat. As opposed to ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with the Q note of Directive 97/69 EC. The used fibres are characterized by perfect thermal stability...
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Silica packing type EKS
Premium silica yarn used in this packing is characterized by excellent thermal resistance. Thanks to the applied strand, these particular characteristics are enriched with high elasticity of created packing. As opposed to ceramic materials, silica yarn is not a substance with an irritating effect, which enables using without any personal protection equipment.
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Silica sleeve type EKS-K
The sleeve type EKS-K is produced of silica yarn resistant to very high temperatures with the temperature strength up to 1200 °C. Silica fibre as opposed to ceramic fibres, is not subject to any hygienic restrictions within the EU. The used fibres are characterized by a perfect thermal stability and keep their original structure to the amount of the maximum temperature of...
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Silica tapes type TK, TK/P
Silica tapes are woven of high quality silica yarn (95 % SiO2 ) with temperature strength up to 1200 °C. TK are tapes without a self-adhesive layer. The self-adhesive layer in TK/P enables very fast and convenient installation of sealing. As opposed to tapes of ceramic fibres, this material is not subject to any hygienic restrictions in the EU Member States in accordance with...
see product data sheet