Friction lining
Europolit produces high quality woven friction linings for industrial purposes (mostly in mining) in the form of tapes or brake overlays.
We also offer formed lining (pressed) of a different manufacturer in the form of inserts, rings, tapes, also in rifled version and with metal filings.
Brake woven band type E-BA
Brake bands of type E-BA are woven of special yarns made of chemical fibers, reinforced with a brass wire and then it is soaked with a special impregnant. Thanks to the application of special of a multilayer strand, we obtained material with very high strength and durability, which enables its application even in very difficult conditions of work.
see product data sheet -
Frictional lining type E-BF
Frictional lining, type E-BF is made on the basis of synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, non-metallic fillers, mineral fibres, correctors and stabilizers of friction coefficient. Use of pulp of aramid fibre in the lining guarantees preservation of high thermal and chemical resistance and wear resistance of the lining during operation. This material is made with hot pressing...
see product data sheet